mediadlginit ,s177,For Object: ,s178,Delay: ,s179,Clip name: ,s180,Device: ,s181,Begin position: static endDuration,s182,End position: ,s183,Horizontal window position: ,s184,Vertical window position: static selectedObject,s187, edit Delay,e188, edit Name,e189, static Device,s190, edit beginPosition,e191, edit EndPosition,e192, iedit x1,i193, iedit y1,i194, button OK,b197,TRUE button WindowPosition,b198,TRUE button Cancel,b199,FALSE mediadlgbox 524480,19,30,20,215,171,,,Media Link,8,Helv,,14.29,12.80,43.47,11.45,177,1342177282,130,For Object:,0,,20.61,42.46,37.07,11.45,178,1342177282,130,Delay:,0,,13.68,59.08,43.96,11.45,179,1342177282,130,Clip name:,0,,20.61,74.46,37.07,11.45,180,1342177282,130,Device:,0,,4.08,90.46,53.68,10.22,181,1342177282,130,Begin position:,0,endDuration,2.90,106.46,54.93,11.45,182,1342177282,130,End position:,0,,2.29,123.08,98.93,10.83,183,1342177282,130,Horizontal window position:,0,,3.47,139.08,97.75,10.83,184,1342177282,130,Vertical window position:,0,selectedObject,60.50,12.55,149.75,23.75,187,1342177280,130,,0,Delay,61.07,41.23,42.40,12.06,188,1350631552,129,,0,Name,61.07,57.23,148.08,12.06,189,1350631552,129,,0,Device,60.65,74.34,149.75,13.29,190,1342177280,130,,0,beginPosition,61.07,89.23,69.18,12.06,191,1350631552,129,,0,EndPosition,61.07,105.23,69.18,12.06,192,1350631552,129,,0,x1,103.43,121.23,26.29,12.06,193,1350631552,129,,0,y1,103.43,137.23,26.29,12.06,194,1350631552,129,,0,OK,142.10,105.85,64.65,12.31,197,1342242817,128,OK,0,WindowPosition,142.10,121.23,64.65,12.31,198,1342242816,128,Window position,0,Cancel,142.21,136.62,64.08,12.31,199,1342242816,128,Cancel,0 MediaBlitz System Book Number 2 ".cpf" "Clips" "Scores" getPrivateProfileString( , "", sm_setClipOrScore , clipOrScoreData writePrivateProfileString( sm_clearClipOrScore "0,0" clearPrivateProfileString( Score sm_getClipOrScore sm_setClipOrScore sm_clearClipOrScore sm_getClipOrScore Clips Scores getPrivateProfileString section maxChars clipOrScore clipOrScoreName fileName sm_setClipOrScore Clips Scores writePrivateProfileString section maxChars clipOrScoreData clipOrScoreName fileName sm_clearClipOrScore Clips Scores clearPrivateProfileString section clipOrScoreName fileName zSysbook animation sm_linkDLLError sm_addMediaLinksMenu Bitmap sm_initMenuPopup sm_file sm_command waveAudio sm_setMultimedia sm_makeHotword sm_waveOrMIDI sm_loadMultimedia sm_helpIndex sm_animation sm_helpGlossary sm_helpUsingHelp klang saveAs OndaAcustica sm_placeAnimation Animazione pagina selection sm_bitmap selezione videoanimation hotword ParolaChiave seite auswahl sm_placeBitmap hrungswort scoreMakerNotify enterBook sm_bitmapDuration scoreMaker leavebook clipMaker sm_pathFromBookName scorePlayer runScoreMkrOrClipMkr sm_noPunctuation sm_checkBitmapDuration author sm_placeAllBitmaps sm_placeOneBitmap sm_clearMediaBlitzSysbook sm_closeAllBitmaps sm_sendBitmapToBack setClip v3 P, j)iX2 SMPath sm_validateDuration sm_strFile quotesToNull nullToQuotes sm_hasMultimedia niceName sm_getRect isPosInt sm_strWaveAudio isNonNegativeInt isPosNum sm_strAnimation isInt isNum sm_stripPath sm_strModify noSpaces sm_noTrailingSpaces sm_currProjDir sm_checkCopy sm_getPathOnly isMMTBK sm_strClear getEndPoint isMediaBlitz sm_strLoad sm_validatePath sm_getFile sm_whichBitmap sm_getScoreItem sm_strRun sm_setScoreItem sm_getClipOrScore sm_strPage sm_setClipOrScore sm_clearClipOrScore sm_widgetChar sm_getClipNames sm_getScoreNames sm_strSelection sm_devType sm_devExts isBitmap sm_strHotword fileExt objectsFromPointOLD sm_fname objectsfrompoint inRect sm_strBitmapDuration xFilename xPathname sm_findFile isPlaying newOpenDlg newSaveDlg Psm_pathFromBookName saveAs Psm_pathFromBookName sm_pathFromBookName isMediaBlitz sm_getPathOnly sm_path waveAudio sm_devExts *.cpf Wave Audio Files MediaBlitz! Clip Files q.sm_file descriptors WaveAudio extList sm_devExts *.cpf MIDI Sequencer MediaBlitz! Clip Files q.sm_file descriptors Sequencer extList videoanimation animation animation sm_devExts sm_devExts *.cpf Digital Video Files Animation Files MediaBlitz! Clip Files q.sm_file descriptors j:to1 animation Digitalvideo extList Bitmap sm_checkBitmapDuration sm_devExts Windows Bitmap Files q.sm_file descriptors Bitmap extList sm_file SMPath smPath Choose Media File getCommOpen sm_checkCopy sm_devType waveaudio sequencer "Nsm_waveOrMIDI filename animation digitalvideo sm_animation filename bitmap sm_checkBitmapDuration sm_bitmap filename ?setClip filename This file type is not supported by MediaBlitz. devType fileName mmTrack extList sm_waveOrMIDI tbkmcichk time format ms tbkmci status length tbkmci close tbkmci 0,"", sm_stripPath ,"","" sm_setMultimedia fileName sm_animation style popup parent tbkmcichk status window handle tbkmci sm_getRect time format frames tbkMCI tbkMCI moveWindow The animation file will be shown when you click OK. Drag and drop it to the position where you want it to appear. window state show wait tbkMCI sm_placeAnimation setCapture width height sm_fileName sm_default fileName sm_placeAnimation sm_getRect screenFromPage screenFromPage updateWindow moveWindow releaseCapture status length tbkmci close tbkmci 0,"", sm_stripPath sm_setMultimedia multimedia multimedia sm_setScoreItem multimedia width height sm_fileName sm_default sm_object sm_scoreItemNumber sm_bitmap style parent tbkBitmapchk Multimedia ToolBook's bitmap DLL: TBKBMP.DLL was not found. Please copy TBKBMP.DLL to a directory in your path. window position tbkBitmap The bitmap will be shown when you click OK. Drag and drop it to the position where you want it to appear. window state show tbkBitmap status window tbkbitmap sm_placeBitmap setCapture sm_fileName sm_default fileName sm_placeBitmap screenFromPage status position tbkbitmap screenFromPage updateWindow window position tbkbitmap status position tbkbitmap releaseCapture close tbkbitmap MediaBlitz BitmapDuration mdiabltz.ini getPrivateProfileString 0,"", sm_stripPath sm_setMultimedia multimedia multimedia sm_setScoreItem multimedia duration sm_fileName sm_default sm_object sm_scoreItemNumber enterBook Ism_initialize author hsm_addMediaLinksMenu leavebook isPlaying sm_closeDevices MediaLinks prevSuspend sm_path author isPlaying sm_closeDevices createMenu Ism_initialize destroyMenu Score hsm_addMediaLinksMenu hotword sm_lastHotword sm_clearMediaBlitzSysbook mdiabltz.sbk sm_currProjDir MediaBlitz mdiabltz.ini getPrivateProfileString SMPath isMediaBlitz MediaBlitz mdiabltz.ini getPrivateProfileString The current project directory has not been established yet. Please set this by choosing the "Preferences..." menu item. Please save this book before applying or loading media links. Save this book in the directory you intend to store its related media files. When you apply media links to this book, the media files must reside in the same directory as this book, or they'll be copied to the directory. bookName sm_path sm_linkDLLError Error linking fileName sm_addMediaLinksMenu sm_addMLMenu sm_initMenuPopup sm_initMP menuNumber hMenu sm_hasMultimedia multimedia sm_command Vsm_modifyMultimedia Vsm_modifyMultimedia Clear media link of this page? &Cancel multimedia Clear media link of selection? &Cancel multimedia sm_loadMultimedia multimedia sm_loadMultimedia multimedia whichHotword sm_loadMultimedia multimedia whichHotword Clear media link of &Cancel multimedia whichHotword Vsm_modifyMultimedia theHotWord menuNumber menuID sm_getFile SMPath Choose File getCommOpen sm_getPathOnly SMPath isMediaBlitz MediaBlitz mdiabltz.ini writePrivateProfileString updateCurrProjDir is not in the same directory as this book. To use a book with score and clip files, copy the book to the same directory as the score, clip and media files and try again. fileName files retValue extList sm_setMultimedia removeHotword Can't add a media link to an existing hotword. Remove the hotword and try again. createHotword active Make a hotword from selected text? &Cancel cancel F}sm_makeHotword F}sm_makeHotword score More than one graphic object is selected. Files, clips and scores can only be linked to one object at a time. Insert multimedia event into this page? &Cancel cancel multimedia Overwrite existing multimedia link of niceName &Cancel cancel multimedia field sm_lastHotword sm_makeHotword score sm_widgetChar tbkwidgets pGRcreateHotword device sm_widgetChar cdaudio cdaudio sm_devType waveAudio sequencer animation digitalvideo bitmap cdaudio devType device sm_loadMultimedia MediaBlitz mdiabltz.ini getPrivateProfileString SMPath scorePlayer The current project directory must match this book's path to load media links into ScoreMaker or ClipMaker. Do you want to change the current project directory to this book's directory and continue? &Cancel cancel MediaBlitz mdiabltz.ini writePrivateProfileString scoreMaker isBitmap untitled scoreMaker clipmaker count appPath currProjPath mediaList sm_helpIndex sm_fname sm_WinHelp sm_fname scoremkr.tbk scoremkr.hlp clipmkr.hlp sm_helpGlossary sm_fname sm_WinHelp sm_helpUsingHelp sm_fname sm_WinHelp sm_strFile Germany &Datei &File sm_strWaveAudio Italy &Onda acustica... Germany &Klang... &Wave Audio... sm_strAnimation Italy &Animazione... &Video/Animation... sm_strModify Italy &Modifica Germany nde&rn &Modify sm_strClear Italy Ca&ncella Germany schen &Clear sm_strLoad Italy Ca&rica Germany Lade&n &Load sm_strRun Italy &Esegui Germany Aus&f sm_strPage Italy &Pagina Germany &Seite... &Page... sm_strSelection Italy &Selezione Germany &Auswahl... &Selection... sm_strHotword Italy Parola &chiave Germany hrungswort... &Hotword... sm_strBitmapDuration Italy &Durata del bitmap... &Bitmap Duration... klang waveAudio OndaAcustica waveAudio Animazione animation pagina selection selezione hotword ParolaChiave seite auswahl hrungswort scoreMakerNotify isPlaying sm_devices sm_bitmapDuration MediaBlitz BitmapDuration mdiabltz.ini getPrivateProfileString Enter the default number of seconds for bitmap duration in scores and media links. cancel sm_validateDuration MediaBlitz BitmapDuration mdiabltz.ini writePrivateProfileString duration prevSuspend sm_validateDuration isNum Invalid bitmap duration. Please enter a positive number less than 9995. prevSuspend duration quotesToNull nullToQuotes niceName background sm_getRect GlobalAlloc GlobalLock getClientRect getWindowRect GlobalUnlock globalFree hBuffer lpBuffer useClient isPosInt isNum isNonNegativeInt isNum isPosNum isNum prevSuspend isInt isNum isNum prevSuspend sm_stripPath newName spacePad fileName noSpaces returnStr sm_noTrailingSpaces scoreMaker runScoreMkrOrClipMkr SCOREMKR mediaList clipMaker runScoreMkrOrClipMkr CLIPMKR mediaList scorePlayer SCOREPLR MediaBlitz mdiabltz.ini getPrivateProfileString fileExists Can't find .EXE. Please enter its path. Example: C:\MDIABLTZ\ cancel MediaBlitz mdiabltz.ini writePrivateProfileString memory Not enough memory to perform this operation. Close some applications and try again. Can't find . Please make sure is in your path. suspend media runScoreMkrOrClipMkr sysWindowHandle toolbook showwindow bringWindowToTop MediaBlitz mdiabltz.ini getPrivateProfileString fileExists Can't find .TBK. Please enter its path. Example: C:\MDIABLTZ\ cancel MediaBlitz mdiabltz.ini writePrivateProfileString tbook.exe toolbook.exe Can't find . Please make sure is in your path. media of this book toolbook send loadRemote toolbook suspend errStr mediaList sm_checkCopy SMPath sm_getPathOnly isMediaBlitz is not in the current project directory: . It needs to be in the current project directory to be used in this score. Do you want to copy this media file there now? &Cancel is not in the current project directory: Do you want to copy this media file there now and continue? &Cancel is not in this book's directory: Do you want to copy this media file there now and continue? &Cancel cancel copyFile An error occured while copying this file. You may be out of disk space. filename sm_stripPath newPath prevSuspend noBreak fileName sm_getPathOnly fileName isMMTBK tbkmm.sbk getCurrentDrive getCurrentDirectory getDOSEnvironmentString DOSPath DOSPath DOSPath DOSPath DOSPath DOSPath \tbkmm.sbk FileExists DOSpath currDir currDrv prevSuspend tFile getEndPoint cdaudio cdaudio sm_devType cdAudio waveaudio sequencer animation digitalvideo bitmap quotesToNull devType endPoint beginPoint delay device sm_noPunctuation Please enter a name for this Invalid name. Punctuation characters are not allowed in names. A space, or spaces only are not valid names. nonSpace isMediaBlitz scoremkr.tbk clipmkr.tbk scoreplr.tbk sm_checkBitmapDuration MediaBlitz BitmapDuration mdiabltz.ini getPrivateProfileString isPosNum isMediaBlitz The default number of seconds for bitmap duration has not been established yet in mdiabltz.ini. Please set this by choosing the "Preferences..." menu item. The default number of seconds for bitmap duration has not been established yet in mdiabltz.ini. Please set this by choosing the "Bitmap Duration..." menu item on the Media Links menu. duration sm_validatePath getCurrentDrive getCurrentDirectory This is not a valid path. Please enter a valid drive letter followed by a colon, a backslash, subdirectories and a trailing backslash. Example: C:\MMDATA\ setCurrentDrive setCurrentDrive setCurrentDirectory setCurrentDrive setCurrentDrive setCurrentDirectory newPath oldDrive oldPath errStr noMsg sm_placeAllBitmaps close all tbkBitmap All the bitmaps in this score will be shown when you click OK. To arrange the bitmaps: 1. Click a bitmap to drag it. 2. Right click a bitmap to send it to the back. 3. Press any key to close all the bitmaps. &Cancel cancel SMPath multimedia isBitmap alias style popup parent tbkBitmapchk window position tbkBitmap window state show tbkBitmap status window tbkbitmap sm_placeOneBitmap sm_sendBitmapToBack sm_closeAllBitmaps setFocus setCapture deviceCtr deviceAlias device tempMM sm_default sm_object sm_windows sm_placeOneBitmap sm_whichBitmap releaseCapture setCapture bringWindowToTop screenFromPage upDateWindow window position tbkbitmap updateWindow i:to1 device sm_windows sm_closeAllBitmaps status position tbkbitmap sm_getScoreItem sm_setScoreItem close tbkBitmap close all tbkbitmap multimedia sm_default sm_object sm_windows sm_whichBitmap screenFromPage windowFromPoint sm_windows sm_sendBitmapToBack sm_whichBitmap bringWindowToTop i:by1 i:to1 sm_windows sm_getScoreItem maxChars charPtr scoreItemNumber score sm_setScoreItem delay maxChars charPtr newScoreItem scoreItemNumber score sm_getClipOrScore Clips Scores GlobalAlloc GlobalLock getPtrPrivateProfileString GlobalUnlock globalFree section maxChars hBuffer lpBuffer clipOrScoreName fileName sm_setClipOrScore Clips Scores writePrivateProfileString section maxChars clipOrScoreData clipOrScoreName fileName sm_clearClipOrScore Clips Scores clearPrivateProfileString section clipOrScoreName fileName sm_getClipNames This is not a clip file. clipNames fileName sm_getScoreNames Invalid file type. scoreNames fileName sm_devType sm_noTrailingSpaces unknown sm_extTable sm_devExts retVal sm_extTable device isBitmap sm_devType bitmap device fname fileExt filename objectsFromPointOLD objLst retVal limit objectsfrompoint inRect retVal unused inRect xFilename count retValue fname xPathname count fname sm_findFile fileExists xFilename fileExists altPaths fname newOpenDlg commonOpenFile Error in DLGS! retValue defFilter filter defaultDir newSaveDlg commonSaveAs Error in DLGS! retValue defExt defFilter filter defaultDir setClip clipDlgInit fileName fileName setValue clips fileName sm_getClipNames setValue clipDlgBox dialog clips getValue SMPath fileName sm_getPathOnly fileName sm_getClipOrScore fileExists fileExists Can't find . This file needs to be in the current project directory to be used in this score. sm_checkCopy sm_setMultimedia clipFile clipDir retValue filename